/** @constructor */
MusicXMLAnalyzer.ScoreController = function(){
var that = {},
view = null,
once = true,
once2 = true,
stop = false,
tonika = { 'C':0, 'D':2, 'E':4, 'F':5, 'G':7, 'A':9, 'B':11 },
$scoreValue = null,
scoreData = null,
* Init method of ScoreController
* @function
* @public
init = function() {
view = MusicXMLAnalyzer.ScoreView();
$scoreValue = $('#scoreValue');
soundfontUrl: "../../libs/midijs/soundfont/",
instrument: "acoustic_grand_piano",
callback: function() {
$playScore = $('#playScore');
$stopScore = $('#stopScore');
$stopScore.prop('disabled', true);
stop = false;
once2 = true;
once = true;
$playScore.prop('disabled', true);
$stopScore.prop('disabled', false);
stop = true;
$playScore.prop('disabled', false);
$stopScore.prop('disabled', true);
}, //end init
* Function to get Duration of Notes
* @function
* @public
* @param {string} type The note type
* @retrun {float} The duration of the note as float
getDuration = function(type){
var duration;
if (type == "whole"){
duration = 1;
} else if (type === "half") {
duration = 0.5;
} else if (type === "quarter") {
duration = 0.25;
} else if (type === "eighth") {
duration = 0.125;
} else if (type === "16th") {
duration = 0.0625;
} else if (type === "32nd") {
duration = 0.03125;
} else if (type === "64th") {
duration = 0.015625;
return duration;
* Method to get MIDI-Values
* @function
* @public
* @param {string} step The note step
* @param {string} octave The notes octave
* @param {string} alter The alter value
* @return {number} The MIDI value
getMidiValue = function(step, octave, alter) {
return (parseInt(octave) * 12) + (tonika[step] + parseInt(alter));
* Method to play the created Pattern
* @function
* @public
playScore = function() {
var notesToBePlayed = [];
//get notes of current score part:
// var currentPatternNotes = patternModel.getAllNoteElements();
scoreData = JSON.parse($scoreValue.val());
MIDI.setVolume(0, 127);
//determine MIDI values for scoreData
for(var i = 0; i < scoreData.measures.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < scoreData.measures[i].notes.length; j++){
// check if rest
if(scoreData.measures[i].notes[j].type === 'rest'){
var rest = scoreData.measures[i].notes[j];
var restDuration = getDuration(scoreData.measures[i].notes[j].duration);
notesToBePlayed.push({'note': 0, 'noteDuration': restDuration});
else if(scoreData.measures[i].notes[j].type === 'note'){
var note = scoreData.measures[i].notes[j];
var noteDuration = (getDuration(note.pitch.type) !== undefined ? getDuration(note.pitch.type) : 0.25);
var noteStep = (note.pitch.step !== undefined ? note.pitch.step : 'C');
var noteOctave = (note.pitch.octave !== undefined ? note.pitch.octave : 4);
var noteAlter = (note.pitch.alter !== undefined ? note.pitch.alter : 0);
var noteBeam = (note.pitch.beam !== undefined ? note.pitch.beam : false);
if (note.pitch.dot) {
noteDuration += 0.5 * noteDuration;
var midiNote = getMidiValue(noteStep, noteOctave, noteAlter);
notesToBePlayed.push({'note': midiNote, 'noteDuration': noteDuration, 'noteBeam' : noteBeam});
i = 0;
var playTune = function() {
if(i < notesToBePlayed.length){
var note = notesToBePlayed[i].note;
// how hard the note gets hit
var velocity = 100;
// delay is set to fix value
var delay = 0;
var timeout = 0;
timeout = notesToBePlayed[i-1].noteDuration*2000;
if(notesToBePlayed[i-1].noteBeam === "begin" || notesToBePlayed[i-1].noteBeam === "continue" ||
notesToBePlayed[i-1].noteBeam === "end") {
timeout = (timeout * 2) / 3;
once = false;
i = notesToBePlayed.length;
if(i === notesToBePlayed.length -1){
MIDI.noteOn(0, note, velocity, delay);
MIDI.noteOff(0, note, delay + 0.75);
MIDI.noteOn(0, note, velocity, delay);
MIDI.noteOff(0, note, delay + 0.75);
// recursively call playTune()
}, timeout);
// else when finished - reset play&stop buttons after 1.5 sec
$playScore.prop('disabled', false);
$stopScore.prop('disabled', true);
}, 1500);
once2 = false;
that.init = init;
return that;